Ílhavo, Portugal

Military, Maritime and Industrial Atlantic Heritage (MMIAH) – Master Plan for the recovery and rehabilitation of military or maritime industrial heritage in Ílhavo


Municipality of Ílhavo


The Military, Maritime, and Industrial Atlantic Heritage (MMIAH) project, funded by the European Development Fund – Interreg Atlantic Area, aimed to promote the recovery and rehabilitation of military or maritime industrial heritage, ensuring the development and implementation of a plan which promotes the structuring of a tourist product supported by endogenous resources. It involved a municipalities network from Portugal, United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, France, Republic of Ireland, and Spain.

Opium developed the Master Plan for the Maritime, Military, and Industrial Heritage of Ílhavo which comprised the analysis of the maritime and industrial heritage potential present in the municipality. Moreover, it included the presentation of a strategic intervention matrix and an action plan to guide heritage development processes in the region.